Home>Venues>Jazz Central Studios

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Twin Cities Latin Jazz Orchestra

Jazz Central Studios 407 Central Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis

Founded in 2014 by Geoffrey West Senn and Mac Santiago (percussionist/drum set), the Twin Cites Latin Jazz Orchestra (TCLJO) brings together the drama of big band jazz, the rhythmic intensity of Latin music, and the virtuosity of eighteen of the Twin Cities’ most accomplished musicians.

$5 – $10

Ryan Garmoe & Ethan Ostrow

Jazz Central Studios 407 Central Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis

Ryan Garmoe, trumpet, and Ethan Ostrow, piano present an evening of original compositions.   Featuring: Ryan Garmoe - trumpet/compositions Ethan Ostrow - piano/compositions Dan Carpel - bass Abinnet Berhanu - drums

$15 – $20

Ben Link’s Edgar Allen “Poboy” Carter Quintet

Jazz Central Studios 407 Central Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis

A night of all original and mostly new music from trombonist Ben Link. His bari/trombone semi-electric quintet is comprised of a never before seen combination of excellent musicians. Come on down and hear a few good old world premieres before Ben leaves for Chicago!   Ben Link - trombone Denny Carlson - baritone saxophone Toivo […]

$15 – $20
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